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Legal notice

In accordance with Law 34/2002 on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce of Spain, the information on this site is owned by MIRAMAR CUISES SL, with registered office at Avenida do Porto da Coruña (Cantones Village Shopping Center). . Ground Floor B01. C.P. 15003A Coruña, and with NIF B- 27432228 and registered in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid, volume 3618, page 106, page number C-55.640.


For any question or proposal, please contact us by email at, or by phone at the number indicated on the website.


A.- This website is governed by the legislation in force in Spain and, where appropriate, in Europe, and national and foreign users who use the website are subject to this legislation. Access to our website by users is free and is subject to prior reading and full, express and unreserved acceptance of these GENERAL CONDITIONS OF USE in force at the time of access, which we ask you to read carefully.


When the user accesses our portal, its contents or services, he expressly accepts and submits to the general conditions of use thereof. If the user does not agree with these General Conditions of Use, they must refrain from using this portal and operating through it.


At any time, the presentation and configuration of our website can be changed, the services can be expanded or reduced and even eliminated from the network, as well as the services and content provided, all unilaterally and without prior notice.


The user undertakes to make diligent use of the Web, as well as the information related to the products, services and activities contained therein, with full submission to both the applicable law and the General Conditions of Access and Use and, in your case, under any other condition that MIRAMAR CUISES SL establishes in force on the Web. Consequently, the user undertakes not to make comments and / or content, their own or that of third parties, that (i) are illegal, violent, pornographic, racist and / or derogatory, and (ii) are inappropriate or irrelevant to the activity of MIRAMAR CUISES SL


Likewise, the user undertakes not to carry out any act that has the purpose of damaging, rendering useless and/or overloading the Web, or that may prevent, in any way, the normal use and operation of the same. The user is informed that, in case of non-compliance with the General Conditions of Use, the Privacy Policy or, where appropriate, any other term or condition contained on the Web, MIRAMAR CUISES S.L. reserves the right to limit, suspend and/or cancel access to the Web, adopting the necessary technical measures for this purpose.


B.- MIRAMAR CUISES S.L. makes every effort to keep the website in good working order, avoiding errors or, where appropriate, repairing them, and keeping the content of the website duly updated. However, MIRAMAR CUISES S.L. does not guarantee the availability and continuity of access to the Web or the absence of errors in its contents, nor does it guarantee that the latter are duly updated.


C.- Both access to the Web and the use that may be made of any information and/or mechanism contained therein is the sole responsibility of the user. MIRAMAR CUISES S.L. is not responsible for damages and / or losses that may arise, directly or indirectly, from access or use of the information contained on the Web and, in particular, from said information related to third parties outside the agency, including, by way of exemplary but not exhaustive, those produced in computer systems or those caused by the introduction of viruses and / or computer attacks, nor is it responsible for the damages that users may suffer due to improper use of the Web or as a consequence of falls, interruptions , absence or defect in communications and / or on the Internet.


In addition, MIRAMAR CUISES S.L. is not responsible for damages and / or damage to the user’s software and / or hardware derived from access and use of the web. The user will be liable for damages of any kind that MIRAMAR CUISES S.L. You may suffer as a result of breaching any of the obligations to which you are subject by virtue of these General Conditions of Access and Use, the rest of the conditions provided on the Web and / or the applicable legislation at any time.


D.- If any of the clauses of the General Conditions of Access and Use were declared, totally or partially, null or ineffective, said nullity or ineffectiveness would only affect that provision or the part of it that is null or ineffective, and would remain in force for the rest, while the provision or the part thereof in question would be considered as not fulfilled. For this purpose, the General Conditions of Access and Use cease to be valid only in what

regarding the null or ineffective provision, and no other part or provision of the same will be cancelled, invalidated, altered or altered by said nullity or ineffectiveness, unless it is essential to fully affect the General Conditions of Access and Use.


E.- MIRAMAR CUISES S.L. reserves the right to modify the content of the General Conditions of Access and Use at any time, without prior notice.


F.- The General Conditions of Access and Use are written in Spanish. In case of discrepancy between these versions, the Spanish version will prevail.


G.- Applicable law and jurisdiction:


The General Conditions of Access and Use will be governed and interpreted in accordance with Spanish law.


Any dispute that may arise between MIRAMAR CUISES S.L. and the users of the Web will be resolved, with the express waiver of their jurisdiction, by the Courts and Tribunals of the city of A Coruña (Spain).